Llamas are a very different animals and originally from South American, and the high country of the Andes Mountains. Llamas are used for wool projects or crafts, packing and hiking into the high country, and as sheep guards. Also llamas are shown in shows, used as 4-H projects and kept as pets.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Maggie the Cria Uses a Ramp
Maggie, our 4 week old, bottle baby, llama cria uses a ramp to get on and off the porch. Stairs are too tricky for her, but a ramp works great.
Meet Nigel - Wallowa Llamas Pack Trips in Eastern Oregon
wallowallamas.com llama pack trips in Eastern Oregon
Putting the pack saddle on your llama
Placement, fitting and cinching, including breastplate.
Pack saddles, when well-designed and properly fitted, are quite comfortable for a llama to wear and carry weight with for long periods of time. However, even the best-designed saddle can cause serious discomfort and permanent physical damage to a llama if that saddle is placed and fitted incorrectly — even if little or no weight is carried, and even if the period of time seems short to the human (who is not wearing the pack!).
It's our job to make sure that any pack saddle fits comfortably and stays in place humanely each and every time we saddle up our llamas. Llamas have incredibly good memories, and even a single, short experience — if unpleasant enough — can lead them to associate discomfort with pack saddles for a very long time afterwards.
Although this video is ten minutes long, the actual process of saddling a llama correctly and carefully takes vastly less time, particularly after the saddle cinches and straps have been properly fitted to the individual llama.
The basic principles shown apply to ALL saddles and ALL llamas (including llamas shorn to the skin for showing). Please understand that this video could not include the breeching, other saddle makes, other llamas, or many details of saddle selection due to YouTube video length constraints. For complete, detailed information on llama pack saddles and saddle fitting, please go to www.llamaprints.com for the publication, "Evaluating a Llama Pack for Comfort and Function" by Gwen Ingram.
Llama training
Rosselli in training with a saddle pack. Llama training at Spring Farm Alpacas, East Sussex. For more llama antics follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Llama cria 30 minutes old at StoneBridge Farm.
Llama cria 20 minutes old up and walking after just being born at StoneBridge Farm. She is a bit unsteady at first, but within an hour she is fine.
All cria this year were sired by: VML'S ARJENTO ARGENTINE an ILR and AMLA registered Full Argentine miniature llama sire standing here at: www.valleyminiaturellamas.com &
Llama Haltering Problems
I DO APOLOGISE for the sound quality of this clip. I tried to do a voice-over, but it is muffled. The gist of the film is that I am sharing the haltering problems that I seem to have a monopoly of, with anyone else that might have them. If you subscribe to my videos, you may know that my main interest is hands-off (off lead) training of llamas. It sometimes seems to me that as my hands-off work improves, my hands-on work, like haltering, weakens. Could there be a connection? Any ideas on this anyone..if you've done any operant conditioning of camelids?
Anyway, I think this clip more than redresses the balance of the clips that tend to show up my more successful aspect of llama training.
And I've put in a few ideas of things that have helped me with haltering on the occasions that I've managed to do it.
Dare I think that there are more people out there who have haltering problems than admit to it!!!
The mystery to me is why my llamas should all be completely easy to halter until round about three years of age. After that? Is it something to do with restraint..or unconnected?
I feel that haltering by overpowering is acceptable, and sometimes necessary. Indeed, I see it often with surprisingly few negative reactions from the llama but it is not what I, as a llama trainer, should be doing. I should be able to stand and slip it on a quiet, accepting llama.
And I knbow Marty McGee (for whom I have great admiration) halters using extended poles, wands and stuff and this is fine and useful...but I still want to do it ..well...do it quietly and without using anything but the halter, my voice and a few treats!
Mangosta enana cría buscando a su madre, Lago Mburo, Uganda
Una mangosta enana cría llama buscando a su madre en el lago Mburo, Uganda. ¡Finalmente la encontró!
Sunday, February 7, 2016
New baby llama playing with our dog!
Shhhhh....you have to be VERY quiet when you are waiting for a baby llama (cria) to sneak up on a Border Collie!! LOL
Cutest Baby Llama Ever
Baby llama at my aunt and uncle's farm in Wisconsin. This is Sweet Pea at about one month old. The first big lama you see with her is her mom. Hope it makes your day :)
Clicker trained llama: his newest off-lead movements to signals
This is Toby, showing some of his old, and a couple of his new, off-lead movements to hand and verbal signals. ( The new ones are: "Have a scratch" and "Kneel")
Most of this training has been accomplished using a clicker and a few yummy treats!
You will note that the clicker is absent in this video as the behaviour is already learned. The treats should also be absent but, well, Toby loves 'em and I'm soft hearted. But they are not now necessary.
Please note: this video was filmed in an open field; Toby is free to go off and graze whenever he wants to. Maybe it's the treats that are retaining him, but there is some lovely, new grass in this field.
Rescue Llama Abel learns to lead
Rescue Llama with no halter skill is ready to be lead by a 9 year old after only 3 hours of training!
Baby Llama Cria 6 days old, running in pasture at Stonebridge Ranch
Baby Llama Cria 6 days old, running in pasture at Stonebridge Ranch, Bushkill Township, Pa
Baby Llama cria 4 days old- first time on pasture at StoneBridge farm
Baby Llama cria 4 days old first time on pasture; watch him when he sees alpacas and poodles for the first time at Stonebridge farm, Bushkill Township, Pa
10 month old llama cria plays with puppy
Samantha our poodle puppy just turned 11 months old playing with Lacy our 10 month old llama
Ana Martinez- Cria cuervos corregido- gala 3 copla 9º edición
Agradecimiento por estas grandes actuaciones cuyos derechos y contenidos pertenecen a Se Llama Copla, Canal Sur Televisión y a la RTVA.
Approach, Halter, and Lead Your Camelids With Ease
AOA and ICI have partnered together to produce an educational video series for alpaca and llama owners and breeders. This video demonstrates how to approach, halter, and lead your camelid. Additional information can be found at www.AlpacaInfo.com.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Maria the Baby Llama's First Walk
Maria the cria has been in the house since she came to live with us when she was about 12 hours old. It's cold and rainy outside this first week of February 2015 in the northeast part of WA State. Here's her first walk up the gravel road.
Luna the Llama
Over the summer months I was fostering some homeless llamas from a local rescue. I found one of the females in mid-delivery about 8 weeks ago. This unexpected Preemie Cria, as you can see from the first picture, appeared too frail to survive. To complicate matters, sadly “mamma llama” was unable and unwilling to care for her baby.
To save her life I took her on as my own - and although I’d never recommend a llama living in the house… it was a necessary decision. I’m happy say that she is not only alive, but is flourishing.
She was house broken at 10 days old. My Great Dane Degas has also stepped up to be a surrogate mother and guardian. This little miracle we affectionately call Luna continues to bring endless joy to everyone here at the farm.
Mama vaca y su cria
Mama vaca llama a su cria par darle la merienda
Campas de Dima
Grabado con el movil
Lama Animal | Lama | 喇嘛動物 | lama animaux | llama
Lama | Lama Animal | 喇嘛動物 | lama animaux | baby llama | llama pictures of llamas | black llama | pet | fish | bird | animal | poultry | reptile | insect | wildlife | free | movies | videos | online | animal movies | mammal |wild animal | 動物|野生動物|昆蟲|鳥|寵物|家禽|免費|電影|視頻|在線|動物電影|爬行動物|魚|哺乳動物|野生動物|
WRTL: Cria llamas playing around 2014
Here is one of our male crias at 45 days old having a blast. We liked it and wanted to share.
Secretos para la cría y el manejo de Llamas y Alpacas. (#574 2014-08-02)
Claves para la cría de llamas y alpacas en zonas donde pocos negocios prosperan.
Cria llamas being curious
One day the crias came into the barn for training and to get weighed. While in the barn curiosity kept them busy. One of the funnest parst of being a llama owner is watching them play and to learn each of their personalities.
Llama cria 30 minutes old at StoneBridge Farm.
Llama cria 20 minutes old up and walking after just being born at StoneBridge Farm. She is a bit unsteady at first, but within an hour she is fine.
All cria this year were sired by: VML'S ARJENTO ARGENTINE an ILR and AMLA registered Full Argentine miniature llama sire standing here at: www.valleyminiaturellamas.com &
Cria Meaning
Video shows what cria means. A young South American camelid (llama, vicuna, or alpaca).. Cria Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say cria. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary